歡迎各位醫師一起來參加2014 ICOI讀書會.


主題為 crestal approach for sinus lift and management of sinus membrane perforation.

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elephantsmile 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()




elephantsmile 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

擔任2013 ICOI AP Section Congress speaker,全程英文演講.


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#26 missing for a long time. Insufficient residual bone height with septum inside. Adequate interdental width and ridge. Flapless sinus elevation via hydraulic sinus condensing technique.


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A 35-year female who had her tooth #14 extracted long time ago wants to have a restoration by implant.
Her oral hygiene maintenance is good and overall periodontal condition is healthy, but the volume of
soft tissue and width of the KG is insufficient in the buccal surface of #14.
I take the soft tissue above #14 before implant and remove very thin layer of epithelium from the soft

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#16 17 missing for a long time. sinus pneumatization to 2mm residual bone height. Hydraulic Sinus Condensing technique was used to lifting the sinus membrane from the crestal. Simultaneous implant placement with size D3.8xL9.5 . Graft material : HA+B-TCP. Final prosthesis was delivered 8M10D after implant.

initial x-ray

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#36 missing for a long time, minor ridge resorption over buccal surface of #36. Use the soft tissue above #36 implant site to augment the defect. Preparation of partial thickness pocket over #36 buccal area. Suture the de-epithelium graft firmly into the pocket. The concave profile becomes prominent and keratinized gingiva seems increased.

soft tissue taken above #36


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P't with #25 missing wants to restore with implant.
After management of #26 , I perform flapless sinus lifting and implant over #25. The technique of sinus lifting is Hydraulic Sinus Condensing(invented by Dr. Leon Chen). I also do the connective tissue graft at the same time to correct the minor resoprtion of #25 buccal area. Less pain and no swelling after surgery.


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